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What should you know about rodent infestations in the United States?

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Rodent infestations are a common problem in the United States.

Rats and mice can enter homes through small openings and can quickly overrun the premises if not taken care of.

Rodents can survive in many different environments and are considered pests because they can spread diseases such as salmonella, hantavirus pulmonary syndrome, and leptospirosis.

They also can eat through buildings or contaminate food sources with their urine or droppings.

There are several ways to deal with rodent infestations, including using traps, poison or exclusion techniques.

Are rats and mice native to America?

Although North America has over seventy rodent species, the rodent family Muridae, which includes both mice and rats, originates from India and Southeast Asia.

How did rodents get to the US?

Anyone who has dealt with an infestation is likely to be familiar with one of three types:What should you know about rodent infestations in the United States (1)

  • Black rat (Rattus rattus)

The black rat, Rattus rattus, was brought to America on ships and infested Virginia by 1609 and New England by the end of the 17th century, spreading the Black Plague.

  • Norway rat (Rattus norvegicus)

Around 1776, Norway rats are thought to have arrived in the United States on boats.

Hessian troops were hired by Britain to battle the American colonies and brought them over in grain crates.

  • House mouse (Mus musculus)

In the early sixteenth century, the House Mouse first arrived in the Americas.

It was brought aboard by Spanish explorers and Conquistadors on their ships.

It came to North America about a century later, accompanied by French fur traders and English colonists.

These three species share a lot of characteristics. Mice and rats from the “old world” are common names for these animals.

These creatures rode shotgun with Europeans on their way to a new existence.

How many people in the US have mice and rats?

Rodents infest 21 million homes in the United States each winter, which may surprise you.

According to a recent survey by, 37% of Americans have seen a rodent in their home in the previous year.

Pests are a public health hazard, and research shows that roughly 14.8 million people reported seeing rodents (mice or rats).

What city has the most rodent infestation?

Chicago has topped the list of the most rat-infested cities for the sixth year in a row.

From September 2014 to August 2020, the Windy City had the highest number of rodent treatments in both residential and commercial premises, according to Orkin.

As the pandemic forced restaurants and bars to close, the Chicago Tribune reported in May 2020 that “Chicago saw an explosion of rat complaints, with the creatures scurrying to find alternate dining.”

The city is aware of the problem and conducted a rat infestation study in 2018 that revealed a problem in high-density neighborhoods in the north and northwest of Chicago.

The main culprit, according to the research, was improper waste disposal.

However, Chicago is not the only city in the United States with large infestations of rats and mice!

Does Chicago have more rats than New York?

In 2019, Chicago had a population of 2.71 million, compared to 8.42 million in New York.

According to RentHop’s data, Chicago has continuously had more rat complaints than New York each year since 2016.

The aggregate number of complaints from the other states, which totaled little over 40,000, was surpassed by Chicago. The only city where the number decreased from the previous year was Boston.

Orkin, a pest control company, came up with identical results in its rating. For the past seven years, Orkin has ranked Chicago first in its annual “50 rattiest cities” list based on the number of rat treatments supplied.

During the pandemic, Chicago’s Department of Streets and Sanitation received so many rat complaints that it decided to open two new rodent control offices in the city this fall.

Why does Chicago have the most rats?

“A denser population usually equals more apartment complexes, more food sources, and thus more rodents,” according to Shane Lee, an analyst.

Chicago is a big city with a lot of buildings and construction, which provides rats with plenty of places to hide and food to eat.

Additionally, the city’s climate is conducive to rat reproduction and survival.

Finally, waste management practices in Chicago are not as effective as they could be, leading to an abundance of rat-friendly garbage cans and dumpsters

Restaurants were forced to close due to the outbreak, forcing rodents to seek new food sources.

These pests were discovered scavenging new locations and exhibiting odd or aggressive behavior because there was no food trash to eat.

What are the options for rodent control in the United States?

You have several choices for getting rid of a rat or mouse infestation on your property:What should you know about rodent infestations in the United States (2)

  • Identify the rodent problem:

It’s usually a good idea to try these simple approaches first to identify and prevent rodent infestations.

  • Death traps:

Snap traps, for example, are meant to catch and kill rats.

  • Live traps:

Live traps, such as cage traps, capture rodents alive and undamaged, but they must be released or killed afterwards.

If you don’t seal the entry points into the house, rodents released outside may find their way back in.

  • Rodenticides:

In tamper-resistant bait stations, poison baits (rodenticides) blend poison with appetizing stuff that rats find appealing.

  • Extermination and rodent control companies:

If you are dealing with a rodent infestation, it is important to seek professional help.

Extermination and rodent control companies can help get rid of the pests and prevent them from coming back.

It is important to find a reputable company that uses humane methods of extermination and follows all local laws and regulations.

If you live in Los Angeles or any part of that city, don’t hesitate to call Rodent Exterminator!

We are a company with more than 30 years of experience, with the best professionals and methods to control any rodent infestation without leaving a trace. Call us 213-431-0890

In conclusion, rodent infestations can be a serious problem in the United States.

Not only can they spread diseases, but they can also damage property and contaminate food sources.

If you think you may have a rodent infestation, it is important to seek professional help right away.

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