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Rats: Everything you need to know

Rats and how they are one of the most common mammals on the planet.

Rats are fascinating creatures that can be found in a variety of environments, from your home to a rainforest.

They play an important role within their respective ecosystems and have interesting social structures and hunting habits.

Rats have been known to cause a great deal of damage to both human and animal populations.

Let’s explore what you need to know about rats, their appareance, communication methods and more.

What kind of animals are rats?

Rats are small to medium-sized rodents, with a length of around 12 centimeters. They are part of the Rodentia family and the Muridae family.

There are more than 60 species of rat, according to the Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS).

What is the origin of rats?

The genus is thought to be endemic to mainland Asia and nearby islands in the continent’s southeast.

Some species are thought to have originated in the Australian and New Guinean regions.

Except for Antarctica, rats are cosmopolitan mammals that may survive on any continent.

How is the appearance and size of rats?

A rat’s body is slightly elongated but rounded, and its tail is long and pointed. The ears are enormous in proportion to the rest of the body, with rounded eyes and whiskers around the mouth.

It possesses huge, strong front teeth that are likely to develop throughout its life, but are kept at a suitable length for the animal since nibbling wears them down constantly.

According to Encyclopedia Britannica, they are normally 5 inches (12 centimeters) or longer.

Where do rats live?

Rats can live in a variety of terrestrial settings, including agricultural fields, woods, savannahs, grasslands, mountains, dunes, and regions near bodies of water.

Sewers, garbage dumps, commercial buildings, warehouses, and basements, among other places in urban, suburban, and rural regions, are where they can find shelter and food.

These animals defend themselves in a wide range of environments, including buildings, sewers, barns, farms, garbage dumps, and hedgerows near crops, among others.

How is the reproduction of rats?

Here are some important facts about rat reproduction:

  • It has five to six annual beds.
  • Copulation takes only 2 to 3 seconds.
  • The gestation duration varies, but it usually lasts between 22 and 24 days, with some going up to 26 days.
  • After that, the females give birth to one to sixteen pups, usually seven or eight, and are nourished for about a month.
  • The young are born hairless and blind, with their eyes not opening until they are six days old.
  • When the young rats have been alive for around 11 weeks, they will be ready to reproduce.

What do rats eat?

Rats are omnivorous and they will eat almost anything. They have a preference for carbohydrates, but they will also eat meat, fruits, vegetables and grains.

Rats are particularly fond of sugary foods and they can become obese if they eat too much junk food.

However, if given the option, they prefer meat and are capable of hunting small game like insects, small birds, and reptiles, as well as aquatic species like mussels, snails, and fish.

Rat’s diet include:

  • Cereals.
  • Nuts.
  • Sugar cane.
  • Fruits.
  • Chocolate.
  • Some vegetables.
  • Eggs.
  • Peas.
  • Seeds.

What is the behavior of rats?

Rats are generally very active and social animals. They live in colonies which can have hundreds of members.

The colonies are organized into a hierarchy with a dominant male and female at the top. Rats are very vocal animals and they use a variety of calls to communicate with one another.

The majority of these creatures are nocturnal, while some, such as the brown rat, may be active throughout the day.

They spend a lot of time looking for food and are quite good swimmers.

Rats can live practically anyplace and thrive thanks to their agility, anatomical flexibility, and adaptability.

What are the most common types of rats in the US?

While the United States is home to a variety of rat species of all sizes, some are more common and represent a greater hazard than others.

  • Norway Rats:

Norway rats are the most common type of rat found in the USA. They are also known as the brown rat or sewer rat.

They are large, robust rats that can weigh up to a pound.

These rodents have a blunt nose, small ears and a thick tail. The fur on their body is usually gray or brown and they have a thick tail.

Basements, woodpiles, and the ground floor of buildings are their preferred habitats.

The Norway rat is noted for its gnawing behavior, which can result in catastrophic damage. In humans, germs identified in rat feces and urine can cause serious illness and disease.

  • Roof Rats:

Roof rats are a common type of rat found in the USA. They are also known as the black rat or ship rat. They are small, thin rats that weigh about five ounces.

They have a pointed nose, large ears and a thin tail. The fur on their body is usually black or brown and they are excellent climbers.

They are usually dark gray or black in color, and they get their name from the fact that they like to live in high places.

Roof rats prefer attics, roofs, trees, and other elevated locations.

Roof rats can be a big problem for homeowners, because you can become quite unwell if you come into contact with rat feces or urine.

Are rats aggressive towards humans?

In some cases, rats will be aggressive towards humans. When this happens it’s usually because they feel cornered or threatened. Rats tend to bite only when they are scared.

Normally, rats will do anything in their ability to avoid being observed by a massive living being. Rats are terrified of humans unless they’ve been domesticated.

On the other hand, a cornered rat would not hesitate to attack a human if it had no other option.
If you ever see a rat that seems less afraid of you than usual and starts displaying moves to defend itself, don’t panic and remain calm as if nothing is happening.

What harm can rats do to humans?

Rats expose humans to infections that are harmful to the public’s health. These animals can spread diseases like hantavirus, rat bite fever, lymphocytic choriomeningitis, and leptospirosis to people.

They may act as reservoirs for ectoparasite-transmitted illnesses like plague. Rats can also contaminate food supplies with their droppings and urine.

In addition, rats are also known to be very destructive. They can gnaw through wires, insulation, and even metal. This can cause a lot of damage to homes and businesses, and it can also be dangerous.

In conclusion, rats are one of the most common mammals on the planet. They can be found in almost every environment, from the North Pole to the Sahara Desert. Rats have been known to cause a great deal of damage to both human and animal populations.

In addition, rats are also known to be very destructive. So, it’s important to take precautions against rats if you live in an area where they are invading.

Rodent Exterminator is located throughout Los Angeles and offers you the best services to get rid of all the rats that infest your home! Call us 213-431-0890 for more information.

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