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Attic Cleaning & Insulation Replacement

Free no-obligation consultation 213-431-0890

Rodents can wreak havoc on your home and the attic is no exception.

Mice, rats, squirrels and other pests can be difficult to get rid of but with a little attention to detail, you should be able to have clean insulation in no time

Rodents can cause a lot of damage, not just by chewing on things but also by leaving their droppings and urine behind.

If you’ve had a rodent infestation in your home, it’s important to have the area cleaned and sanitized before you replace any insulation or do any repairs.

What is the attic insulation removal process like?

Let’s look at how the Rodent Exterminator in Los Angeles goes about removing your insulation.

1. Preparation process

The removal of contaminated insulation will not transfer hazardous rodent-borne viruses to other regions of your home if you have done your homework.

Thick plastic sheeting is usually used to cover the surfaces leading to your attic entry. Any valuables or furniture should be transferred to a safe location away from the tainted insulation.

2. Removal process

The removal process can begin once the area has already been prepared.

Blown-in insulation is removed with a powerful vacuum, which transfers the contaminated insulation to a secure container outside of your home.

Batting insulation is wrapped up and placed into an insulation removal bag, or rather, batt insulation that comes in a roll. After that, the bag is taken off-site and discarded.

3. Vacuum process

Following the removal of the attic insulation, the whole attic space is vacuumed to ensure that any lingering debris or rat excrement is eliminated.

Your attic is now ready to be decontaminated, rodent proofed, and new insulation placed after this process is completed.

4. Replace the insulation with the new one.

After inspecting, removing, and vacuuming, the other insulation is installed for greater security in your home and free of traces of rodents.

Don’t wait any longer to call us 213-431-0890 for more information!

Why is it important to remove attic insulation in a rodent infestation?

The insulation in your attic acts as a crucial barrier preventing heat transfer. While many people understand the need for insulation in their house, particularly during the hottest and coldest months of the year, they may not realize that the insulation in their attic can degrade with time.

Rodents, in particular, are a severe threat to your attic insulation’s efficacy.

If you have a rodent infestation, you should call Rodent Exterminator to have your old insulation removed from your attic floor and replaced with new insulation.

It is fairly typical to inspect, remove, and replace pieces of insulation as part of any attic cleanout.

Rats frequently enter insulation, leaving droppings and other debris that might create health problems or serve as attractants for more rodents.

Do you need to replace attic insulation after mice?

Yes, you do. Even if you go into your attic regularly, you generally don’t take the time to look around and assess the condition of your previous insulation.

Bringing a light source and walking cautiously on the beams that help compensate your rafters are required for inspecting your insulation. You might fall through the drywall of your ceiling if you don’t.

Despite the complexity of inspecting your attic insulation, it is necessary to do so regular basis. Insulation that has become contaminated due to a mouse infestation or mold and mildew can put your family’s health in danger

The good news is that with the help of professionals in rodent control and extermination, you should be able to have your attic clean and rodent-free in no time.

Why replace your old and contaminated attic insulation after a rat or mouse infestation?

Here are a few reasons why you should get rid of your old attic insulation:

  • Better Indoor Air Quality

Removing your current insulation may help to enhance your home’s indoor air quality.

Old insulation can contain a range of toxins that can influence the air quality in your house, including rat and other pest urine and excrement.

  • Improved Energy Efficiency

Because of scientific advancements and the introduction of new materials, the things we use every day have improved throughout time.

The same can be said for your attic insulation. Installing new attic insulation if your home was not built recently may result in increased energy efficiency and cheaper energy costs.

  • Rat Proofing

Insulation makes an excellent habitat for rats and mice looking for a warming, comfortable place to stay and make nests.

Unfortunately, the insulation in many homeowners’ attics is an appealing alternative for the local rodent population.

If your attic is currently infested with rodents, you’ll need to remove the old insulation before you can take steps to rodent-proof it.

  • Moldy or Wet Insulation

Wet or moldy insulation in the attic is a sign of a leaking roof. While correcting the leak is a critical initial step, you’ll also need to remove and replace the damaged insulation.

Rodent Exterminator Cleaning and Insulation Replacement after a Rat or Mice Infestation

Rodent Exterminator services can help to get rid of rats, mice and other pests from your home in all of Los Angeles.

However, after the pests have been removed, it is important to clean up the attic and replace the insulation if necessary.

Make sure to contact us as soon as possible to fix all of your rodent infestation issues! Call at 213-431-0890

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