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3 Ways to get rid of rodents without hurting them

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Rodents are a menace to society. They spread disease, destroy property, and ruin homes.

Many people think that they have to kill rodents to get rid of them. This is not the case because there are many humane ways to remove these pesky creatures from your home or property.

Getting rid of them is an important job that must be done quickly and efficiently.

You can try using traps, repellents, deterrents, or even natural methods like planting mint around your home. If all else fails, you can always try using poison.

However, this is not always the most humane way to get rid of rodents, and it can also be dangerous for your pets.

Make sure you read the instructions carefully and follow them closely to avoid any accidents.

You can also try to make your home less appealing to them, or take away their food and water sources.

With a little effort, you can get rid of rodents without hurting them.

What are the humane methods to get rid of rats or mice?

3 Ways to get rid of rodents without hurting them1. Live traps:

Many people prefer to avoid killing rats and mice but still want to get rid of them from their homes or property, so they utilize live traps.

The humaneness of live traps, on the other hand, is determined by how often they are checked, the trap’s design, and whether food, water, or nesting material are provided to avoid starvation, dehydration, or cold stress.

Live traps must be constructed in such a way that the animal is not injured during the closing process or when trapped within.

The trap mechanism must be tested before usage to ensure that it will not capture the animal’s tail or limbs when it shuts.

You can release the animal in a new location far from your home or transport the animal in the live trap safely and comfortably to the nearest veterinary clinic for humane euthanized action as quickly as possible.

2. Odors that rodents dislike:

One of the most common methods for repelling rodents is by using natural smells. Many different smells can be used:

  • Peppermint:

Because rats and mice seem to detest peppermint, you may try spraying peppermint around your home’s entry points.

You may also grow mint in your garden to help keep rats away from your property.

Peppermint oil proved to be slightly efficient in keeping rats away, according to Thai researchers.

The rodents spent less time in regions where there was a peppermint odor, which led them to this conclusion.

  • Eucalyptus:

The strong odor of eucalyptus oil appears to repel rats and mice, making it difficult for them to nest, feed, or live in your home.

  • Citronella:

While citronella is known to repel mosquitoes and other flying insects, there is some evidence that it can repel rats and mice.

Some researchers discovered that rats avoided food in citronella-treated areas of their pens, preferring to eat from the untreated side.

Citronella could be used as a natural rodent repellent if applied daily, according to the study.

But, as with eucalyptus oil, the same caveat applies. Citronella inhalation was proven to reduce hunger in rats in another investigation.

  • Ammonia:

The chemical odor of ammonia is quite unpleasant. Ammonium hydroxide is the form that it takes when utilized in the household.

It’s popular for cleaning tubs, tiles, and sinks.

You can also use ammonia to keep rats away from your home.

Soak some rags or cotton balls in ammonium hydroxide and lay them in open bags or containers to discourage rats.

Place the containers in locations where rodents are expected to congregate.

Consider attic spaces or windowsills, basement drain pipes, or spots where rat droppings have been observed.

3. Sound repellents to scare rats and mice

Sound repellent systems, according to their producers, use high-frequency sound waves to terrify or repel rodents such as mice, rats, moles, squirrels, and gophers.

They believe that high-frequency noise, which is above human hearing range, irritates or frightens rats, causing them to flee a certain region.

Most of these repellents include a red alert light and some plug into a wall outlet while others are battery-powered.

Where can you humanely release a mouse?

To keep mice from returning, release them in a remote spot at least two miles away from your home.

The last thing you want after catching a mouse is for it to run back into your house.

However, these rodents are vulnerable if you leave them in an area where they haven’t been before.

Because relocated animals don’t know where to find adequate food, water, or shelter, they often become weak and succumb to predation or foreign parasites or disease against which they lack natural immunity.

Releasing a mouse or rat into a strange area will almost certainly result in the animal’s death.

If you have already tried these methods but they have not worked for you or the infestation is very large, you should probably contact professional exterminators and prepare your home before they arrive.

How to humanely prevent rodents from invading your home?

Rodents can be a big nuisance and can cause a lot of damage to your home. Here are a few tips on how to humanely prevent rodents from invading your home:

  1.  Remove food from the equation.
  2.  Keep your trash sealed.
  3.  Do not leave food out for your companion animals.
  4.  Use foul odors to deter rodents.
  5.  Locate the rodent’s entry point.
  6.  Block off any possible entrance points.
  7.  Add weather stripping and door sweeps to all doors and windows.
  8.  Seal all cracks and openings in the exterior of your home.

In conclusion, humanely getting rid of rodents is a process that takes time and effort, but it’s worth it in the end. By sealing up your home, installing door sweeps and weather stripping, and using humane traps, you can get rid of unwanted rodents without hurting them.

If you’re having trouble getting rid of rodents on your own, don’t hesitate to contact pest control and extermination professionals.

Rodent Exterminator is all over Los Angeles! We have the best services, equipment, and professionals to take care of the infestation of rats or mice in your home. Call us 213-431-0890

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